Durgapur Adda Young Association Observes Bhasha Dibos – 2018

Social welfare organization Durgapur Adda Young Association (DAYA) took special initiative to instil the great history of 1952’s Bhasha Saheed Andalon that took place in Dhaka, Bangladesh among school children. DAYA members on 21st February 2018 organized a programme at the Bidhannagar Government Sponsored Boys High School not only to pay a respectful homage to martyrs of the Bhasha Andalon but also to introduce the rich history of Bengali Language.

The programme began by paying floral tribute to the temporary built Bhasha Saheed replica, by the principal of the Bidhannagar Government Sponsored Boys High School and DAYA’s president. Other teachers of the school and DAYA members present on the occasion also paid floral homage.

15 minute documentary film on Bhasha Andalon of 1952

After that the 5 boys under DAYA’s ‘Sichon’ project presented a song glorifying the martyrs of the Bhasha Andalon.

A 15 minute documentary film was shown was shown to the fifth, sixth and seventh grade students of the school, depicting the history of the historical language movement of 1952 that killed Rafiquddin Ahmad, Abul Barkat, Abdul Jabbar, Abdus Salam and Shafiqur Rahman.

Section of the students present in the programme

This was followed by a Q&A session based on the documentary, so as to see how much the message from the documentary percolated in these young minds.

As an organization, DAYA tried to convey three messages to the students. They are; first, the basis of partition of the country wasn’t religion but language, religion did played a role but the most important role was the love for Bengali language, second, it is very incorrect to say that the language movement was only for Bengali language, it is rather a movement against injustice, third, the movement became successful because of the participation of students in large number. Participation of more than 100 students, their enthusiasms and the successful answers of the question asked in the Q&A session was indeed the biggest achievement of our endeavour.

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