Donate Generously

Thanks for being so generous to take the “Donation” initiative. We believe in the words that “alone we can win a battle, but together we can conquer the world”.

You can donate using our QR code/ UPI / NEFT transactions to our Bank Accounts.

Please find the details below.

Our Target: Rs. 1,00,00,000/-

Expected Donation Denominations

If you wish to donate for one day egg meal of 30 students of “Jibanpath Kendra I” just donate 1650 INR

If you wish to donate for one day egg meal of 25 students of
Jibanpath Kendra II” just donate 1375 INR

If you wish to donate to the one-month cost of one student of our ‘SINCHON’ project donate 3200 INR

Every RUPEE counts “. So, even if you can donate as little as Re 1/-, please don’t hesitate to donate that.
We will remain equally thankful to you too for making that much effort.

Donate Using QR Code

Donate Using QR Code DAYA

Donate Using UPI id


Donate Using NEFT transaction

Our Bank Details:

1st Bank Details

Account Holders’ Name: Durgapur Adda Young Association

Account Number: 018801011006

Name of Bank: ICICI Bank

Bank Address: Ground Floor, opp central library, City Centre Durgapur- 712316

IFSC Code: ICIC0000188 (5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th letter is ZERO and not English alphabet O)

2nd Bank Details:

Account Holder’s Name: Durgapur Adda Young Association

Account Type: Savings

Account Number: 3586569240

Bank Name: Central Bank of India

Branch: Mamra Bazar, Durgapur

IFSC Code: CBIN0281251 (5th letter is ZERO and not English alphabet O)