Donate for “JIBANPATH” & “SINCHON” – The Two Unique Initiatives of DAYA

Both the project, ‘Jibanpath’ and ‘Sinchon’ are initiatives of DAYA to fulfill the right of education and well-being of underprivileged children. We need your support. Together we can really make a difference and bring smiles to the faces of underprivileged children.

They don’t have proper school infrastructure. We have repaired an abandoned demolished house and raised walls to prepare a somewhat school-like arrangement for them. We on out own have managed some finance for distributing study materials and we offer them nutritious Mid-day meal and health check-up facilities too.

There are 2 Jibanpath Kendra being run by DAYA; the first one has been running successfully during day time, 5 days a week since 15th August 2020 at Kamalpur Washing Plot adjacent to Durgapur Steel Township, while the second one has been running successfully since 26th July 2021 at Durgapur Railway station in the evening, 5 days a week.

This all need huge fund every month to keep the school running.

We would appreciate your support and expect you to donate generously for the purpose.

Project – ‘SINCHON’

‘Sinchon’ is a unique initiative of “Durgapur Adda Young Association” that aims to nourish the meritorious students (boys only) from Class V to Class XII who hails from underprivileged families. Under this initiative, D.A.Y.A takes full responsibilities of five (05) Class V students every year till they pass out Class XII, including their accommodation, food, schooling, play materials, dress, medical expenses and all that is needed for a decent growing up; and all free of cost, nothing is charged from the families of these students.

Starting 2018, there are 22 students under this project now. 5 students in Class V, 4 students in Class VI, 5 students in Class VII, 5 students in Class VIII and 3 students in Class IX.

They stays in a temporary boarding having 3 rooms, which is a rented apartment in 33, Rabindra Nagar, Bidhannagar, Durgapur – 12. We need to construct a New Building where we can house this 22 students and make room for the next 3 batches of 5 students who will be getting chance in next 3 years.

We need your support not only to ensure the huge cost of running this project every month, but also to build a Students’ Permanent Boarding House. We plead for your financial support.

FINANCE Needed to Run These Projects

For running Jibanpath Kendra -1 at Kamalpur Washing Plot: Feeding the 30 students with nutritious lunch minimum requirement is 1500 INR per day, which adds up to 33000 INR per month.

For running Jibanpath Kendra -2 at Durgapur Railway Station: Feeding the 25 students with nutritious dinner minimum requirement is 1250 INR per day, which adds up to 27500 INR per month.

For the 22 students of project ‘Sinchon’, whose entire responsibilities is ours, the cost per month is 70000 INR (approx).

Our Future Plans

Currently, we are planning for permanent accommodation where we can accommodate these 22 students and make room for the next 3 batches of 5 students who will be getting chance in next 3 years. After 3 years, the first batch will pass out class XII and one batch will get in class V.

Building a permanent residential accommodation where at least 40 students (In 2025 this will be strength) can stay comfortably needs at least 60 lakhs for procuring the land and 40 lakhs for constructing the building; adding up to 1 Crore

Thank You for showing interest and going through the complete information. We would appreciate if you donate and motivate more people to join our mission and support us.