On the occasion of “World Environment Day” on June 5, 2017, social welfare organization Durgapur Adda Young Association (DAYA) organized a campaign rally so as to make people aware about the dangers of using plastic carry bags.
DAYA invited students of various Durgapur school, in the rally. Along with DAYA members, students of Steel Carmel, DAV Model and St. Peter’s took part in the rally and appealed directly to shopkeepers and pedestrians not to use plastic bags, so as to protect the environment.

The entire rally was supplemented with posters, banners and telling on loudspeakers about the harm plastic carry bag.
On the same evening, a seminar was organized in the auditorium of Durgapur Children’s Academy with the students of different schools (seventh to tenth class) of Durgapur. “KNOW & PROTECT YOUR ENVIRONMENT” was the topic of the seminar. The keynote speaker was eminent environmental scientist Hon’ble Dr. Shubhashis Mukhopadhyay.

After the discussion, there was a written evaluation to judge as to how attentively did the students heard and how much were they able to grasp. Prizes were given to those who fared exceptionally in the written evaluation.