DAYA Observes National Science Day 2018 With Due Importance

On the occasion of “National Science Day” on 28th February, social organization Durgapur Adda Young Association (DAYA) undertook special initiatives to eradicate superstitions and blind faith from the society, especially from the young minds.

DAYA undertook programmes at 2 different schools of Durgapur to spread science awareness among students there. At first, the programme was organized at Nadiha Birvanupur High School in Nadiha Shyampur and the then the second programme was held at Nadiha High School.

National Science Day – 2018 programme at Nadiha High School

Deepak Chakraborty and Kakoli Chakraborty, two dedicated person associated with the science and rationalist movement of Bengal gave several live demonstration exposing the science behind all those so-called miracles which self proclaimed Godman shows and fools people. They not only gave live demonstration of how so-called miracles like rubbing fire on body, swallowing fire ball, lifting rock and others are presented but also involved the students there, teaching them the trick behind it.

During National Science Day 2018 programme at Nadiha Birvanpur High School a trick is being exposed

 More than 200 students watched the entire show at Nadiha Birvanupur High School with lots of enthusiasm of which girls were in larger number. Number of students present at the Nadiha High School was even more. Some of the girls at both the school were given a firsthand training of some of the tricks.

During National Science Day 2018 programme at Nadiha Birvanpur High School a trick is being exposed

The Nadiha locality was chosen for the programme, primarily because this area in the outskirt of the main town of Durgapur, houses people who are more god fearing and several incidents of Babaji’s and Sadhu’s fooling common people has occurred in this area. The kind of response and enthusiasm seen from the students has been truly inspiring. Several DAYA members and the 5 students of the organization’s ‘Sinchon’ project were present in both the places.

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