DAYA Observes May Day 2021 On Digital Platform

Due to adverse condition out of Covid, the historic ‘May Day’ was observed in the online platform. A programme titled, “Savvotar Karigar” was held on 1st May 2021 from 7 pm and telecasted live in our facebook page,

Dr. Soumik Das Singing on DAYA’s May Day programme

The programme began with the songs of Dr. Soumik Das, who in recent time has catch the imagination of the youths by his customary songs which exposes all that is against the masses. Apart from winning the “Radio Mirchi Award 2019”, all of Das’s songs are YouTube hits having millions of views. All the 5 songs that he sang on the programme were aimed to evoking the spirit of class consciousness among the working class.

Dr. Chandan Bandopadhyay explaining the brutalities of today’s labor code

Professor and a newspaper columnist, Dr. Chandan Bandopadhyay in his 30 minute long explanation, brought to the fore a comparison between, today’s Labour Law and one that existed before independence. At a time when the central government proposes to replace 29 existing labour laws with four Codes, the discussion held by Dr. Chandan Bandopadhyay brought out many eye-opening facts about the government’s proposal which has every provision to convert the working class into a bonded labour.

Kazi Kamal Naser performing during the May Day programme held by DAYA in online

Another prolific singer of recent time, Kazi Kamal Naser was the last performer of the evening, who sang a number of songs that aims in bringing out the ordeal of the working class. “Ekta Kalo Mnaush Morlaay Poray”, a song written, composed and sang by Naser Naser after the death of George Floyd in America, out of police brutality, became an instant hit last year; Kazi Kamal Naser sang the song in the programme.

The entire programme was seen live by about 400 people. Those of you who are interested, can watch the programme, even today and in future by clicking the link:

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