May Day, also called Workers’ Day or International Workers’ Day is celebrated on 1st May every year throughout the world to remember the historic bloody protest by the workers of America in 1886 in demand of 8 hours workday, which has now become a standard labour practice worldwide.
In 2016, Durgapur Adda Young Association (D.A.Y.A) decided to observe this historic day with the workers of the unorganized sector.

Durgapur R.I.P. (Rehabilitation Industrial Plot), near Indo American more is a hub of many small industries. Workers of most ofthese small industrial units not only has to work under unsafe working conditions but are also exposed to several industrial hazards in the form of pollutants. Adding to their woos, they usually consumes alcohol, smoke at will, are least concerned about their health and are not at all aware of the industrial hazards that they are facing every day.

In order to address these, D.A.Y.A organized a “Free Health Check-up Camp” for the workers working in these small industrial units. There were arrangement for ECG (if prescribed by the doctor), and medicines (when prescribed by doctors in the camp).

As many as 80 workers from the area attended the camp. A health awareness programme was also held so as to make these workers aware of the needs and ways to stay healthy. They were taught as to how, they can remain healthy and disease free by following some basic steps.

Food packets were provided to all who attended the health check-up camp. The whole event was organized at the “Durgapur Small Scale Industries Association” hall on the way to Sagarbhanga from Indo American crossing; just 300 metres from the crossing.