DAYA News Bureau, 24th March 2023: Durgapur Adda Young Association organized a day-long program on 23rd March to remember and pay respectful homage to Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev Thapar and Shivram Rajguru, the three martyrs of India’s independence struggle.

Sukhdev and Rajguru were hanged in Lahore Central Jail along with Bhagat Singh on 23rd March 1931, for being too active in making their motherland free from the British rule. Though Bhagat Singh finds some mention in the history textbooks but for Sukhdev and Rajguru very little words and information is there in these books. The students of today will become the citizens of the country in the future, if they are not familiar with the real heroes of the country’s freedom struggle, if they do not know the real history of the country, then it is needless to say that the future of the country will continue to remain deep dipped in darkness. And so, the social welfare organization Durgapur Adda Young Association aims to present the life and ideals of these three great freedom fighters to the citizens of tomorrow.

Organized at ‘Netaji Bhavan’ in A-Zone of Durgapur Steel Township, the event had two distinct parts with two different programs. In the morning hour, a “Voluntary Blood Donation camp” was organized which was held from 11 am to 1 am. Apart from 26 members of the organization and their families, 3 others, a total 29 people donated blood, showing sense of social responsibility. Durgapur Sub-Divisional Hospital Blood Bank staff came to this camp and completed the blood collection process; Durgapur Voluntary Blood Donors Forum extended a hand of worthy cooperation.

In spite of the fact that higher secondary examination is going on in the school, more than 150 eighth to tenth standard students from 10 Durgapur schools gathered to participate in the Sukhdev-Rajguru Discussion which began from 2 p.m. Long before the start, the students reached the venue with their own posters on the given topic, biographies of Sukhdev and Rajguru. A total of 32 posters were submitted. In the poster competition, the best five posters (first, second, third … not like this) were awarded to Netajinagar Colony High School, Shokana Newgram Sagar Laha High School, Sagarbhanga High School, Nirjhar Day Boarding High School and Jemua Vadubala Vidyapeeth.

Apart from the poster exhibition and competition, the participating schools had the opportunity to participate in the ‘speech competition’ on the topic, “Life and ideals of Sukhdev and Rajguru”. On behalf of 9 schools, their students presented their thoughts on the life and ideals of these two great freedom fighters. In the speech competition, the three (first, second, third … not so) best speeches were awarded to Gopalmath Girls High School, Jemua Vadubala Vidyapeeth and DVC-DTPS High School.
The main speaker of the program, Prof. Dr. Devaditya Bhattacharya of Kazi Nazrul University, said that Sukhdev and Rajguru were basically organizers; their thoughts are a rare find as they themselves have not written much, as Bhagat did. So, to know these two people, to know about their thoughts, you have to know about the work and working style of the two organizations, “Naojwan Bharat Sabha” and “Hindustan Socialist Republican Association”, because Sukhdev and Rajguru were one of the two founders of these two organizations.
Apart from the 150 plus students from 10 schools, more than 100 enthusiasts gathered to be a part of the Sukhdev-Rajguru Discussion. It is clear from the speech given by the students on the life of Sukhdev and Rajguru that the students have researched and studied enough about these two freedom fighters, and here lies the success of the endeavour of Durgapur Adda Young Association. Social organization Durgapur Adda Young Association hopes that this effort to present the lives of real heroes of India’s freedom struggle to the students will play a helpful role in building the India, which Bhagat-Sukhdeb-Rajguru dreamt of.
A laudable endeavour to make people aware of the sacrifice of Sukhdev Thapar, Shivram Rajguru,Bhagat Singh. Also, the right tribute to the martyrs.
DAYA deserves salutes